Region's Photos - Theatricals
Theatre is the place where life is created. It is a unique art form. As Lee Strasberg once said, "The theatre is the most personal of our arts. All other arts work with an objective material. Only the theatre uses the living presence of the human being. The actor's art dies as he creates it."
His son John Strasberg said, "To know and use the gift of life and self-awareness; to experience, express and communicate reality; to be the life, and act the life of the play, with love and care, is the work of the actor.”
I guess my love for theatre is so strong because the theatre is the place where make believe marries truth and the result is magic.
View Sample Theatricals Galleries:
Becoming Frederick Douglas - Walking the dog Theater
Painting Churches - Walking the dog Theater
Our Town - Walking the dog Theater
Bon Appetit! - Walking the dog Theater
Virtue, Desire, Death & Foolishness - Tales from Anton Chekhov - Walking the dog Theater
I Take Your Hand in Mine - Walking the dog Theater
Hamlet - Walking the dog Theater
Daemons - Walking the dog Theater
Under Milkwood - Walking the dog Theater
Christmas Carol - Walking the dog Theater
Belles - The Ghent Playhouse
The Prisoner of Second Avenue - The Ghent Playhouse
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - The Ghent Playhouse